ANC Global

New Leaders Onboarding and Coaching (NewLOC)

Smoothly transition into your new role with NewLOC and maximize your potential!

New Leaders Onboarding and Coaching (NewLOC) is a comprehensive offering that addresses the challenges faced by leaders when transitioning to new roles, geographies or businesses. At ANC, we understand that the initial days of any new role can be daunting and we are here to help. Our experts will provide a range of interventions designed to provide experiential learning and facilitate tools and methods that help leaders approach their new assignment confidently and effectively in a VUCA world.


Our New Leaders Onboarding and Coaching program is built on the philosophy that even the most well-prepared leaders can experience challenges when starting in a new role. We believe that it’s important to provide the right support to ensure a successful transition. Our program is designed to be highly personalized and tailored to the specific needs of each individual leader.


We begin by conducting a thorough assessment of the leader’s strengths, development areas, and readiness for the new role. Based on the assessment, we create a customized development plan that addresses any gaps or areas that require improvement. We then provide a series of interventions that are designed to help the leader build the skills and capabilities they need to excel in their new role.


Our interventions are focused on experiential learning and facilitating tools and methods that can be used to approach the new role or assignment with confidence. This includes coaching on leadership and communication, cross-functional team management, conflict resolution, stakeholder management, and more. We use a range of coaching and facilitation techniques, such as role-playing and simulations, to ensure that leaders are fully prepared for their new role.


At ANC, we understand that a new role may also require a new set of cultural norms or behaviors, and we incorporate cultural sensitivity training into our program. We help leaders understand and navigate the cultural landscape of their new role, and provide strategies for adapting to new cultural norms and practices.


Our New Leaders Onboarding and Coaching program is designed to help leaders thrive in a VUCA world. We provide ongoing support throughout the onboarding process to ensure that leaders are able to hit the ground running and make a positive impact in their new role. Our program is also designed to be flexible and can be adapted to meet the unique needs of each organization.


In summary, New Leaders Onboarding and Coaching (NewLOC) is a comprehensive offering that provides the necessary support and interventions for leaders to successfully transition into new roles, geographies, or businesses. We offer a highly personalized approach with customized development plans, experiential learning, and coaching and facilitation techniques to ensure that leaders are fully prepared to excel in their new role.

Power in Numbers




